Radiated Immunity Portable Transmitters ISO 11452-9
Radiated Immunity Reverb IEC 61000-4-21
Transient Immunity ISO 7637-2 and ISO 7637-3; ISO 16750-2
Electrostatic Discharge ISO 10605
CISPR 25 Test
CISPR 25 汽车电子辐射RE测试,传导CE测试
CISPR25 test
ISO 11452-4 BCI Test
ISO 11452-4 BCI Test
ISO 11452-4 BCI Test
Radiated Immunity Anechoic ISO 11452-2 - RI test
ISO 11452 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy: ISO 11452由以下部分组成:
— Part 1: General principles and terminology
— Part 2: Absorber-lined shielded enclosure
— Part 3: Transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM) cell
— Part 4: Harness excitation methods
— Part 5: Stripline
— Part 7: Direct radio frequency (RF) power injection
— Part 8: Immunity to magnetic fields
— Part 9: Portable transmitters
— Part 10: Immunity to conducted disturbances in the extended audio frequency range
— Part 11: Reverberation chamber
Isotropic Field Strength Monitoring Probe 各向同性场强监测探头
Field Strength Monitoring Antenna 场强监测天线
EMI Filters 电磁干扰滤波器
RF Signal Generators 射频信号发生器
Power Amplifiers 功率放大器
Directional Couplers 定向耦合器
RF Cables 射频电缆
Software to monitor and record field levels 监测和记录现场水平的软件
Transient Immunity ISO 7637-2 and ISO 7637-3; ISO 16750-2
ISO 16750 的这一部分适用于道路车辆的电气和电子系统/组件, 汽车瞬态干扰测试。
脉冲 1\Pulse 1。
因电源与感性负载断开而引起的瞬态模拟; 如果在车辆中使用,它适用于 DUT,它保持与电感负载直接并联。
磁场抗扰度\Magnetic field immunity
为带有磁敏设备的 DUT 模拟电动机、日间行车灯等产生的磁场。
变压器耦合正弦波\Transformer coupled sine waves
电池线上耦合的正弦噪声。 通常称为地移。
iso 7637-2
ISO 10605 ESD test
ISO 10605:2008 describes test procedures for evaluating both electronic modules on the bench and complete vehicles. It also describes a test procedure that classifies the ESD sensitivity of modules for packaging and handling. ISO 10605:2008 applies to all types of road vehicles regardless of the propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, electric motor).
ISO 10605:2008描述了用于评估工作台上的电子模块和整车的测试程序。它还描述了一个测试程序,对用于包装和处理的模块的ESD敏感性进行分类。ISO 10605:2008适用于所有类型的道路车辆,无论其推进系统是什么样的(例如火花点火式发动机、柴油发动机、电动机)。
ISO 10605:2008 is based in part on IEC 61000-4-2 and describes vehicle-specific requirements.
ISO 10605:2008 does not apply to pyrotechnic modules.
ISO 10605 ESD test
GMW3097 General Specification WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS April 2012 标准下周