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2022年4月27日,FCC发布了KDB 987594 D04 V01要求。本版提供了UNII-6GHz设备根据KDB 388624 D02的要求,在递交PAG时需提交的清单指引。除了整机使用已认证过的模块,且模块在申请C2PC时,仅需评估RF exposure的情况外,所有工作在6GHz频段的U-NII设备在申请FCC ID时需按本指引的要求递交PAG。 递交清单- 天线信息
- 基于竞争机制协议
- 客户端设备限制
- 频谱模板
- 99%OBW
- HAC(如适用)
- 标签
- 模块的要求(如适用)
- 射频暴露评估
- 设备安全描述
- 发射杂散
What are the requirements for obtaining a Certification for U-NII 6 GHz devices operating in the 5.925-7.125 GHz band under Part 15, Subpart E.
The following attachments are guides for obtaining certification for devices operating in the 5.925-7.125GHz band under Part 15, Subpart E:
987594 D01 U-NII 6GHz General Requirements v01r03 provides general requirements for filling form 731 and supporting information requirements for all types of 6 GHz devices.
987594 D02 U-NII 6 GHz EMC Measurement v01r01, test report, exhibits, and RF Measurement Procedures for demonstrating: EIRP, Bandwidth, Channel Mask, Out of Band Emissions, Contention Based Protocol (Listen Before Talk), Automatic Power Control (APC ) as applicable to 6 GHz devices.
987594 D03 U-NII 6 GHz QA v01 Questions and Answers for 6 GHz devices. This attachment provides a guide for submitting a Pre-Approval Guidance ( PAG) for item UN6GHZ.
987594 D04 UN6GHZ Pre-Approval Guidance Checklist v01 provides a guide to submitting a Pre-Approval Guidance ( PAG) for item UN6GHZ
Attachment List:
987594 D01 U-NII 6GHz General Requirements v01r03.pdf
(308.66 KB, 下载次数: 19)