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- In Release-14 3GPP is enhancing the above technologies
- Positioning enhancements [eMTC, NB-IOT, EC-GSM-IOT]
- Multicast, mobility enhancements for [eMTC, NB-IOT]
- New power classes, access/paging enhancements [NB-IOT]
- Higher data rates and VoLTEsupport for [eMTC]
根据CEPT(ECC)定义的标准,测试LTE MTC/eMTC、NB-IoT UE端的测试标准,以下是UE终端,BS终端,多功能终端的标准要求。
Description and technical conditions for IoT Cellular Systems Technologies | Applicable ETSI standards | Technical conditions | EC-GSM-IoT | EN 301 502 [25] EN 301 511 [26] EN 301 908-18 [27] | No specific requirements in addition to GSM (note 1) and the applicable harmonised standards | LTE MTC/eMTC | EN 301 908-1 [23] EN 301 908-13 [31] EN 301 908-14 [32] EN 301 908-15 [33] EN 301 908-18 [27] | No specific requirements in addition to LTE (note 2) and the applicable harmonised standards | NB-IoT | EN 301 908-1 [23] EN 301 908-13 [31] EN 301 908-14 [32] EN 301 908-15 [33] EN 301 908-18 [27] | Standalone mode - A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the standalone NB-IoT channel edge of one network and the UMTS/LTE channel edge of the neighbouring network.
- A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the standalone NB-IoT channel edge of one network and the GSM channel
edge of the neighbouring network. In-band mode - No specific requirements in addition to LTE (note 2) and the
applicable harmonised standards Guard band mode - A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the NB-IoT
channel edge and the edge of the operator's block, taking into account existing guard bands between operators' block edges or the edge ofthe operating band (adjacent to other services). | Note 1: Frequency separation requirements on GSM as defined in ECC Report 266 [14] Note 2: Frequency separation requirements on LTE as defined in ECC Report 266 [14] |