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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINESNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONNTC Building, BIR Road, East Triangle, Diliman, Quezon CityEmail: ntc@ntc.gov.p'; website: http://www.ntc.sov.nh
  • MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR: NO. 001-04-2021
  • SUBJECT:  Amending Section 2 of Memorandum Circular No. 02-02-2015
Pursuant to Act 3846, as amended (Radio Control Law), Executive Order No. 546 series of1979, and RA 7925 (Public Telecommunications Policy Act) and in the interest of publicservice and in order to keep pace with the development in wireless technology to ensurewider access to the limited radio spectrum and the use of cosfeffective technology, Section2 of Memorandum Circular No. 02-02-20'15 is hereby amended to include 500-3400 KHzfrequency band 13.5 dBuAJm at 10m maximum Field Strength/RF Output Power.

菲律宾NTC MC-001-04-2021

菲律宾NTC MC-001-04-2021

菲律宾国家电信委员会(Philippines, National Telecommunications Commission- NTC) 于2021 年5 月12 日发布第001-04-2021 号通知,修订了第02-02-2015 号通知并于2021 年5 月26 日起生效。主要变动如下:
  • 原先可用之频段仅为3155KHz-3400KHz,如今可用频段修订为500KHz-3400KHz。
  • 于10m 处测得之最大功率限制为5 dBuA/m。

MC-001-04-2021.pdf (53.83 KB, 下载次数: 3)

更多咨询可以联系曾工,电话:139 2899 3907(微信同号) 邮箱:xiangwei.zeng@gmail.com
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