[FCC ID] 关于无线IC认证,RF exposure的功率问题

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根据标准RSS-102, 2.5.2所示:2.5.2 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation – RF Exposure Evaluation

RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the device’s radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:

• below 20 MHz6 and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
• at or above 20 MHz and below 48 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 4.49/ƒ0.5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
• at or above 48 MHz and below 300 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 0.6 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
• at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
• at or above 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance).
In these cases, the information contained in the RF exposure technical brief may be limited to information that demonstrates how the e.i.r.p. was derived.

Please note that the e.i.r.p (which is the sum of RF conducted power and antenna gain) shall be used to compare to the exemption limit.

IC的RF exposure评估,它的功率计算,是需要将天线增益增加上去的,这点和FCC的RF exposure评估中的功率有所不同。

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