EN标准的几个重要日期(DOR, DOA, DOP, DOW)的含义:

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标准的几个重要日期( DOR , DOA , DOP , DOW )的含义:

DOR ( date of  ratification )
DOR is the date when the Technical Board confirms that the results of written vote are positive and that the EN / HD is adopted
说明在此日期前 CENELEC 相应的技术委员会核准完成并正式推出;

DOA ( date of  announcement )
DOA is fixed by the Technical Board , normaly six moths later than dor。
Normally the annoUncement of the existence of the new CENELECEN / ENV / HD is made by each CENELEC member in the officalnational standarS jOUrnal Or in Similar publication at national level。
在此日期前 CENELEC 会员国(包括所有欧盟成员国)必须在国家层面通告上述标准已经制定完成

DOP( date of publication )
DOP is the date limit for indentical / harmonized national standards corresponding to the new EN / HD to be available。
在此旦期前 CENELEC 会员国(包括所有欧盟成员国)必须出版与其同等的国家标准(加上国家差异)或直接将其采用为国家标准;

DOW( date of withdrawel )
DOW is the latest date for al CENELEC members to withdraw or amend any nationa standards containing requirements conflicting with those of the new HD or EN , even if the publication of anew national standard on the basis of an HD is not intended.

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曾工 | 2022-10-10 09:41:54 | 显示全部楼层
(1) Date of ratification (dor) date when the Technical Board notes the approval of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), from which time the standard may be said to be approved

(2) Date of availability (dav) date when the definitive text in the official language versions of an approved CEN/CENELEC publication is distributed by the Central Secretariat

(3) Date of announcement (doa) latest date by which the existence of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), a TS or a CWA has to be announced at national level

(4) Date of publication (dop) latest date by which an EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement

(5) Date of withdrawal (dow) latest date by which national standards conflicting with an EN (and HD for CENELEC) have to be withdrawn

(6) This list of normative references is purely indicative. The only official list of normative reference is the list of the published standard.

In the case of undated standard, a link to the last dated version is provided.

In the case of series, a link to each standard identified in the series is provided.

We also invite you to check (via the website) whether corrigenda and/or amendments shall be read in conjunction with the main standard.

(7) Estimated dates to be confirmed at the publication of the standards.


更多咨询可以联系曾工,电话:139 2899 3907(微信同号) 邮箱:xiangwei.zeng@gmail.com
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