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11月14日,墨西哥联邦政府公报正式发表了修改后的新能耗产品注册目录,同时发表了注册过程的一些变更要求,以推进“能源可持续法(LASE- Ley para el Aprovechamiento Sustentable de la Energía)”转变为新的“能源过渡法(LTE- Ley de Transición Energética)”。这是继今年5月4日墨西哥能源局修订能源可持续法以后的第一个正式变更消息。
新目录主要带来如下改变: 1.新目录取消并替代了原来的目录,从原来186种产品首次变更到44种产品,详见如下列表。 2.新目录包含了注册文件的新版本“附录B”,新版本和体现的注册信息取替代了原来的版本。 3.新目录自联邦政府公报发表后60个自然日生效,也即从2018年1月14日起强制执行。 4.新目录内的产品如在发表日以前已经完成墨西哥能耗注册,不会受到影响并且无需应对。
1 | Ampllfler
| | Dishwasher
| | Mixer (beater)
| | Blender
| | Industrial Water Pump
| | Luminaires
| | Domestic / Commercial Coffee maker
| | Electric sewing machine
| | Boller
| | Cold drinks vending machine
| | Electric Water Heater
| | Hot drinks vending machine
| | Industrial washing center
| | Video game machine for recreation and betting
| | Domestic / Industrial Compressor
| | Hair clipper (clippers)
| | Desk computer
| | Computer monitor
| | Copying machines (weight greater than 15 kg)
| | Electric grill
| | Printer machines (weight greater than 15 kg)
| | Household iron
| | Multitask machines (weight greater than 15 kg)
| | Commercial ironing machine
| | Electric water dispenser
| | Hairdryer
| | Industrial / Commercial Ice Factory (machine)
| | Clothes dryer (alone or as part of a center of washing)
| | Commercial / Industrial Electric Fryer
| | Surveillance system
| | Electric Household Oven
| | Hair tongs
| | Toaster
| | Breed toaster
| | Industrial Electric Oven
| | Lathe
| | Industrial Oven that uses LP or Natural gas
| | Automotive vehicle
| | Interfon (Intercom)
| | Fans (ventilation)
| | Decorative residential lamp
| | Video projector
| | Industrial washing machine
| | Video Door Station