新版灯具EMF标准 EN 62493,更新部分可以豁免的用于灯具的电子组件诸如电子整流器

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EN 62493:2015 - Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields
IEC 62493:2015 applies to the assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields. The assessment consists of the induced internal electric field for frequencies from 20 kHz to 10 MHz and the specific absorption rate (SAR) for frequencies from 100 kHz to 300 MHz around lighting equipment. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) identification of lighting product types deemed to comply with the standard without the need for test; b) deletion of the need for CISPR-15-compliance as a prerequisite for IEC 62493 compliance; c) inclusion of the consequences of the ICNIPR 2010 guidelines for (up to 100 kHz); d) adding some guidance to the Van der Hoofden test head method to improve reproducibility of results; e) inclusion of compliance demonstration method for products having intentional radiators.

1 Scope
This International Standard applies to the assessment of lighting equipment related to humanexposure to electromagnetic fields. The assessment consists of the induced internal electric field for frequencies from 20 kHz to 10 MHz and the specific absorption rate (SAR) for frequencies from 100 kHz to 300 MHz around lighting equipment.

Included in the scope of this standard are:
– all lighting equipment with a primary function of generating and/or distributing light
intended for illumination purposes, and intended either for connection to the low voltage
electricity supply or for battery operation; used indoor and/or outdoor;
– lighting part of multi-function equipment where one of the primary functions of this is
– independent auxiliaries exclusively for the use with lighting equipment;
– lighting equipment including intentional radiators for wireless communication or control.
Excluded from the scope of this standard are:
– lighting equipment for aircraft and airfields;
– lighting equipment for road vehicles; (except lighting used for the illumination of passenger
compartments in public transport)
– lighting equipment for agriculture;
– lighting equipment for boats/vessels;
– photocopiers, slide projectors;
– apparatus for which the requirements of electromagnetic fields are explicitly formulated in other IEC standards.NOTE The methods described in this standard are not suitable for comparing the fields from different lighting equipment.

This standard does not apply to built-in components for luminaires such as electronic controlgear.

本标准不适用于灯具的内置组件等电子控制装置。所以,例如那种内置的LED driver可以豁免不用测试EMF EN62493了,直接做EN55015而不做感应电流密度这个测试了。
IEC 62493:2015

IEC 62493 2015

IEC 62493 2015

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