
查看28526 | 回复0 | 2016-6-16 09:14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. 背景:
  2. FCC (美国联邦通讯委员会)于2015年初发布的通告中称,今后FCC认证将不再接受来自非MRA(相互认可协议)地区的实验室出具的测试报告,即,只有和美国有互认协议的国家和地区 (现包括加拿大、欧盟、台湾、越南、香港、新加坡、澳大利亚、新西兰、以色列、日本、韩国等) 的实验室出具的测试报告才可以作为FCC认证发证的基础,既排除中国等没有签订MRA协议的国家所属的实验室。

  3. FCC在新发布的法规Federal Register /Vol. 80, No. 113中,确定了现有非MRA 国家和地区的FCC 注册试验室 (2.928 lab) 的有效使用期限。 即: 从2015年7月13日起, FCC不再接受新2.948 lab的注册申请, 原注册有效的2.948 lab 可以使用到2016年7月13日,且在2016年7月13日前测试的数据还可以在2016年10月13日前发证; 在2016年7月13日前就到期的2.948 lab 可自行联系FCC 延期到2016年7月13日。

  4. 美国FCC连续针对射频设备产品认证出台新规,要求产品相关认证测试实验室必须由被FCC认可的国外指定机构认可并由FCC根据政府对政府互认协议(MRA)的条款进行认证, 所有测试结果须由这些取得认可资质的实验室提供。FCC将不再接受非MRA国家/地区实验室获取FCC认可资质的申请。我国与美国目前暂时没有签订MRA协议。美国FCC相关部门已经收到来自包括中国大陆在内的其他非MRA国家关于开发非MRA国家实验室的认可程序的提议,但是至今未做出最终决定是否接受。

  5. 新规直接影响到我国出口美国的所有无线电子产品,包括:手机、笔记本电脑、平板、蓝牙耳机、无线基站、无线网关、无线路由器、遥控器、对讲机等。新规的实施将使中国相关产品的制造企业承担大量增加的检测成本,产品开发周期也会遭到严重破坏,研发成本、销售成本都会受到巨大影响;新规的修改也将导致我国数十亿美元份额的检测市场受到影响。


FCC EXTENDS TRANSITION PERIOD FOR ACCREDITATION OFLABORATORIES THAT PERFORM EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION TESTING--WASHINGTON, June 15, 2016 – Today, the Federal Communications Commission moved toprovide testing laboratories with an additional year to meet an accreditation requirement under itsequipment authorization rules. The Commission will also provide guidance on the process forrecognition of accreditation bodies. The Commission took these actions through a MemorandumOpinion and Order and Order on Reconsideration in ET Docket 13-44.

Previously, as part of a decision (https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-14-208A1.docx) that modified certain portions of its rules related to the equipment authorizationprocess, the Commission decided that all laboratories that perform equipment certification testingmust be accredited by a recognized accreditation body. Accreditation is a rigorous process thatincludes an onsite evaluation of a laboratory’s facilities, review of the competency of its testingpersonnel, and examination of the quality systems the lab has in place. The Commission provideda transition period to phase out the alternate practice of accepting test data from “listed”laboratories – labs whose facilities had been found acceptable by the Commission staff based onpaper review of technical data. Two parties sought reconsideration of this action.

The Commission agreed with petitioners’ concerns that many laboratories will not be able tomake the July 13, 2016 deadline. To avoid the potential disruption of the distribution and sale ofradiofrequency equipment in the United States, the Commission is extending the time duringwhich it will recognize “listed” laboratories to July 13, 2017. The extension will also provideadditional time for the recognition of accreditation bodies and accreditation of laboratories as wellas for countries to pursue telecommunications Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) with theUnited States to provide for the recognition of accredited laboratories in those countries.

Today’s decision can be found here: https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-16-74A1.docx

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