加拿大 RSS-210 Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards

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Note 1: Annex 13, Section 13.1 is no longer applicable and is replaced by RSS-251(November 2014)
Note 2: RSS-210, Amendment 1 — Licence-Exempt, Low-Power Radio Apparatus Operating in the Television Bands (February 2015)
Note 3: Annex 11 is no longer applicable and is replaced by RSS-211 (March 2015)
Note 4: Annex 8 & 9 are no longer applicable and are replaced by RSS-247 (May 2015)

Table of Contents
Official link:http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf01320.html
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david | 2015-7-16 01:08:03 | 显示全部楼层

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Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards
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