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Publication Number: 680106
Rule Parts: 18, 15B
Publication Date: 05/30/2013
Keyword: Part 15B, Part 18, Wireless Chargers, Inductive Chargers, Wireless Charging Pads

First Category:Equipment Authorization Process *
Second Category:General [Equipment Authorization Process]

Question:   What rules regulate short distance wireless inductive coupled charging pads or charging devices?

Wireless power transfer devices operating at frequencies above 9 kHz are intentional radiators and are subject to either Part 15 and/or Part 18 of the FCC rules. The specific applicable rule part depends on how the device operates, and if there is communication between the charger and device being charged.
Devices specifically intended for use for wireless power transfer, or inductive charging, require FCC guidance for frequency exposure review. This includes Part 18 devices. The responsible party or manufacturer must seek guidance from the FCC by submitting a wireless charging application inquiry at http://www.fcc.gov/labhelp.
The initial inquiry shall include the following:
  • In the "Subject" line, fill the field as follows: Seeking guidance for wireless chargers;
  • complete product description, including coil diameters , number of turns and current;
  • the rule part(s) the device will operate in and the reasoning for rule part(s);
  • planned equipment authorization procedure;
  • drawings, illustrations;
  • frequencies;
  • radiated power;
  • operating configurations
  • conditions for human exposure [1], and
Intentional radiators transmitting information must be certified under the appropriate Part 15 rules and will generally require an equipment certification, except for special types of devices meeting requirements under Section 15.201 which are subject to verification. A charger may operate in two different modes: charging and communications. It is possible for the device to be approved under Part 18 for the charging mode and Part 15 for the communications mode, if it can be shown that (1) the device complies with the relevant rule parts and (2) the functions are independent. Part 18 consumer devices can be either certified or approved under DoC, only after the required SAR guidance has been given (as noted above ". . . by submitting an inquiry at www.fcc.gov/labhelp" . . ) and the necessary test requirements have been completed.
Finally, it is possible that the power charging function could be approved under Part 15 rather than Part 18 if the device meets all of the requirements of the appropriate Part 15 rule.
Attachment 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v02 provides general guidance on the information necessary to determine RF exposure evaluation and compliance requirements when submitting a wireless charging application inquiry.

无线能量传输设备使用的频率大于9 kHz的就是有意发射产品,按照Part 15 和/或 Part 18的规范来测试。具体用哪个条款取决于该设备的工作方式,以及充电器和被充电的产品之间是否有通讯。

如果产品是用于无线能量传输,或感应充电,需要参考FCC对无线频率暴露的评估的规范要求,不仅是part 15, 也包括了Part 18的设备。责任方或者供货商必须提交无线充电产品的申请,FCC则会提供相应的规范要求,提交申请的网址:http://www.fcc.gov/labhelp,在此网页上点击:Submitan Inquiry https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/kdb/forms/InquiryForm.cfm

  • 在"Subject"一栏填入: “Seeking guidance for wireless chargers”;
  • 把产品描述填写完整,包括线圈的直径,圈数及电流大小;
  • 产品认证所使用的法规及为何使用该法规;
  • 打算为该设备做何种认可程序(Verification,     DOC or Certification);
  • 技术图纸, 技术说明;
  • 所使用的充电频率;
  • 发射功率;
  • 产品工作配置;
  • 人体暴露评估
  有意发射产品如果发射的是某种信息,则必须用part15做FCC ID,除了某些符合了15.201的特别的产品,可以用verification。无线充电产品可能有两种不同的工作模式: 充电模式及通讯模式。这样的话,可能充电模式用Part 18来做, 通讯模式用Part 15做,但前提是(1)设备不同模式符合相关法规要求,(2)充电和通讯两个模式相互独立。 Part 18 的民用产品可以申请FCC ID或者做DOC, 但前提是要提交人体暴露SAR的评估及符合必要的测试要求。
  最后总结一下,如果充电模式符合Part 15的所有的相关条款,则FCC允许充电模式用Part 15来代替Part 18。
  KDB 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v02 对无线充电产品的RF暴露的评估以及FCC的符合性要求提供了指导原则,大家可以参考。  

KDB 680106 D01规定:如果无线充电产品满足如下所有的要求,则可以豁免人体暴露评估。
a) 充电频率小于 1 MHz;
b) 每个初级线圈的输出功率都小于 5 watts;
c) 能量传递仅包括初级和次级线圈,有的充电系统包含多个初级线圈,可以检测到多个被充电产品,能量的耦合仅在配对好的初级和次级线圈之间;
d) 被充电产品可以与能量发射产品保持一定距离,或者直接接触到,都可以;
e) 最大的充电产品的耦合表面积在 60 cm2 and400 cm2;
f) 如果有多个线圈同时发射能量,在设备周围10cm的范围内,泄漏的场强不能超过人体暴露(MPE)限值的30%。
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