Knowledge Database (KDB) - 558074 Digital & Freq Hopping Devices 15.247

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Publication Number: 558074
Rule Parts: 15.247
Publication Date: 06/06/2014
Keyword: Digital Transmission Systems, measurements and procedures

First Category:Unlicensed Service Rules and Procedures
Second Category:Digital & Freq Hopping Devices 15.247

Question:   What are the test procedures for measuring Digital Transmission System (DTS) devices subject to the requirements in Section 15.247?

Attachment 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance below provides guidance for performing compliance measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) operating under section 15.247.
The Commission revised the rules for DTS devices operating in the 5725-5850 MHz band operating under Section 15.247 rules (FCC 14-30). Effective June 2, 2014, DTS devices operating in this band must comply with the new rules under Part 15 Subpart E ('New Rules'). The Commission established a transition period to allow devices to be approved under the 'Old Rules' provided below in attachment558074 D02 Part 15.247 Old Rules. Starting June 2, 2015, new DTS devices operating in the 5725-5850 MHz band will no longer be certified under the Old Rules. KDB Publication 789033 provides guidance for compliance of such devices operating under the new rules. For further information on permissive changes and marketing restrictions on devices approved under the 'Old Rules' see KDB Publication 926956.

Attachment List:

558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r02 ... acking_number=21124
558074 D02 DTS Part 15.247 Old Rule ... acking_number=21124

Website link: ... acking_number=21124

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