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       10月9日,加拿大工业部(Industry Canada)在其官网发布无线电标准规范的RSS 199(第2版):运行在2500-2690MHz的宽带无线电设备(BRS),规定发射机和接收机的频带都在2500-2690MHz的宽带无线电设备的认证要求。该版本将取代2010年1月发布的RSS 199(第1版),主要在以下几方面做出了修改:


RSS-199 — Broadband Radio Service (BRS) Equipment Operating in the Band 2500–2690 MHz
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Issue 2
Posted on Industry Canada website: October 9, 2014
Radio Standards Specification 199, Issue 2, Broadband Radio Service (BRS) Equipment Operating in the Band 2500-2690 MHz, replaces RSS-199, Issue 1, dated January 2010.
This document will be in force as of the publication date of noticeSMSE-016-14 in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Upon publication, the public has 120 days to submit comments. Comments received will be taken into account in the preparation of the next version of this document.
Listed below are the changes:
  • The equipment’s unwanted emission mask is modified.
  • The method used to measure the equipment's frequency stability is added.
  • The compliance requirement for equipment with multiple antennas is added.
  • The requirement for receiver standard spurious emissions has been withdrawn following decisions made under Regulatory Standards Notice 2012-DRS0126.
Issued under the authority of
the Minister of Industry
Daniel Duguay
Acting Director General
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
1. Scope
This Radio Standards Specification (RSS) sets out certification requirements for BRS equipment in the band 2500-2690 MHz.
2. General Information
Equipment covered by this standard is classified as Category I equipment. Either a technical acceptance certificate (TAC) issued by the Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada or a certificate issued by a Certification Body (CB) is required.
2.1 Licensing Requirements
Equipment covered by this standard is subject to licensing pursuant to subsection 4(1) of theRadiocommunication Act.
2.2 Related Documents
All Spectrum Management and Telecommunications publications are available in the Official Publications section on the following Industry Canada website: www.ic.gc.ca/spectrum.
The following document should be consulted:
2.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms are defined below:
Base station equipment is equipment that provides connectivity, management and control of the subscriber equipment.
Subscriber equipment is equipment that provides connectivity between the user's equipment and base station equipment.
Fixed subscriber equipment is subscriber equipment that is used at a fixed point and is not operational while in motion. Nomadic subscriber equipment is not considered to be fixed subscriber equipment.
Mobile subscriber equipment is subscriber equipment that is intended to be used while in motion and during halts at unspecified points. Handheld, portable, and nomadic subscriber equipment is considered to be types of mobile subscriber equipment.
3. General Requirements3.1 RSS-Gen Compliance
RSS-199 shall be used in conjunction with RSS-Gen, General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio Apparatus, for general specifications and information relevant to the equipment to which this standard applies.
4. Transmitter and Receiver Standard Specifications4.1 Types of Modulation
Equipment certified under this standard shall employ digital modulation.
4.2 Channel Bandwidth
The channel bandwidth shall be equal to or greater than 1 MHz and shall be reported by the certification applicant.
4.3 Transmitter Frequency Stability
The transmitter frequency stability limit shall be determined as follows:
  • The frequency offset shall be measured according to the procedure described in RSS-Gen and recorded;
  • Using a resolution bandwidth  equal to that permitted within the 1 MHz band immediately outside the channel edge, as found in clause 4.6, reference points will be selected at the unwanted emission levels which comply with the attenuation  specified in 4.6, for the type of device under test, on the emission mask of the lowest and highest channels, and the frequency at these points shall be recorded as fL and fH respectively.
The applicant shall ensure frequency stability by showing that fL minus the frequency offset and fH plus the frequency offset shall be within the frequency range that the equipment is designed to operate.
4.4 Transmitter Output Power and Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (e.i.r.p.)
The transmitter output power shall be measured using a peak detector.
For base station equipment, refer to SRSP-517 for the e.i.r.p.
For mobile subscriber equipment, the e.i.r.p. shall not exceed 2 watts. For fixed subscriber equipment, the transmitter output power shall not exceed 2 watts and the e.i.r.p. shall be limited to 40 watts.
4.5 Equipment with Multiple Antennas4.5.1 Correlated Transmission
When multiple antennas are used to:
  • transmit the same digital data in a given symbol period (even with different coding or phase shifts) for transmit diversity; or
  • steer signal energy towards a particular direction for enhanced directional gain (i.e. beamforming); or
  • devise any other transmission mode,
and        where signals from different antennas are correlated, the e.i.r.p. shall be calculated based on the aggregate power (conducted across all antennas) and the resulting directional gain dBi,Gmax + 10 Log10 N, with N as the number of antennas and Gmax as the highest gain in dBi among all antennas.
4.5.2 Uncorrelated Transmission
When multiple transmitted antennas are used and each antenna:
  • transmits different digital data during any given symbol period (i.e. Space-Time Block Codes or Space-Time Codes); or
  • transmits independent parallel data stream over the same frequency bandwidth in order to increase data rates (i.e. spatial multiplexing); or
  • forms any other transmission mode,
and where signals from different antennas are completely uncorrelated, the e.i.r.p. shall be calculated based on the aggregate power (conducted across all antennas) and maximum antenna gain, Gmax.
4.6 Transmitter Unwanted Emissions
In the 1 MHz band immediately outside and adjacent to the channel edge, the unwanted emission power shall be measured with a resolution bandwidth of at least 1% of the occupied bandwidth for base station and fixed subscriber equipment and 2% for mobile subscriber equipment. Beyond the 1 MHz band, a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz shall be used. A narrower resolution bandwidth is allowed to be used, provided that the measured power is integrated over the full required measurement bandwidth of 1 MHz or 1%/2% of the occupied bandwidth, as applicable.
Equipment shall comply with the following unwanted emissions limits:
  • For base station and fixed subscriber equipment, the power of any unwanted emissions measured as above shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter power, P (dBW), by at least43 + 10 log10 p
  • For mobile subscriber equipment, the power of any unwanted emissions measured as above shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter power, P (dBW), by at least:
    • 40 + 10 log10 p from the channel edges to 5 MHz away,
    • 43 + 10 log10 p between 5 MHz and X MHz from the channel edges, and
    • 55 + 10 log10 p at X MHz and beyond from the channel edges.
    • in addition, the attenuation shall be not be less than 43 + 10 log10 p on all frequencies between 2490.5 MHz and 2496 MHz and 55 + 10 log10 p at or below 2490.5 MHz.

where p in (a) and (b) is the transmitter power measured in watts and X is 6 MHz or the equipment occupied bandwidth, whichever is greater.
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