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In accordance with Article 1(3) of Commission Decision 2000/299/EC1 the table below contains a list of equipment falling withinthe scope of ‘Class2’2.

Subclass of Class 2
Frequency  band(s)
5.15-5.35 GHz

UWB equipment
1.6 - 10.6 GHz

Wideband data transmission systems
57 - 66 GHz
Rev. of ed. 1
Animal implantable devices
12,5–20,0  MHz

Transport  and traffic telematics
5  795 – 5 805 MHz

Radio determination devices
6 000 - 8 500 MHz

Radio determination devices
24.05 - 26.5 GHz

Radio determination devices
75 - 85 GHz

Active medical  implants
2 483.5 - 2 500 MHz

1880 - 1900 MHz

The following subclasses of Class 2 correspond to radio equipment using harmonised frequency bands and for which, in consequence, notification in accordance with Article 6(4) of the Directiveis not necessary:

Article 6

Placing on the market

1.         MemberStates shall ensure that apparatusis placed on the marketonly if it complies with the appropriate essential requirementsidentified in Article 3 and the other relevant provisions of this Directivewhen it is prop- erly installed and maintained and used for its intended purpose. It shall not besubject to further national provi- sions in respectof placing on the market.

2.         In taking a decision regarding the application of essential requirements under Article 3(3), the Commis- sion shall determinethe date of application of the requirements. If it is determined that an equipment class needs to comply with particular essential requirements under Article 3(3), any apparatusof the equipment class in questionwhich is first placed on the market before the date of application of the  Commission’s  determination can continue to be placed on the market for a reasonable period. Both the date of application and the periodshall be determined by the Commissionin accordance with the procedure  laid  down  in  Article  14.

3.         Member States shall ensure that the manufacturer or the personresponsible for placingthe apparatus on the market provides information for the user on the intended use of the apparatus, togetherwith the declaration of conformity to the essentialrequirements. Where it concerns radio equipment, such information shallbe sufficient to identifyon the packaging and the instruc- tions for use of the apparatus the Member Statesor the geographical area withina Member State where the equipment is intendedto be used and shall alert the user by the markingon the apparatus referred to in Annex VII, paragraph 5, to potential restrictions or requirements for authorisation of use of the radio equipment in certain Member States. Where it concernstelecommunications terminal equipment, such information shall be sufficient to identify interfacesof the public telecommunications networks to which the equipment is intended to beconnected. For all apparatus such information shall beprominently  displayed.

4.         In the case of radio equipment using frequency bands whose use is not harmonised throughout the Community, the manufacturer or his authorised  repres- entative established within the Community or the person responsible for placing the equipment on the market shall notify the national authority responsible in the rel- evant Member State for spectrummanagement of the intention to place such equipmenton its national market.

This notification shall be given no less than four weeks in advance of the start of placing on the marketand shall provide information about the radio characteristics of the equipment (in particular frequency bands, channel spacing, type of modulation and RF-power) and the iden- tification number of the notifiedbody referred to in Annex IV or V.
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