LED灯具申请FCC,到底属于FCC part 15还是FCC part 18?

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FCC Rules for Lighting Devices
QUESTION: We have designed a 40 KHz switching power supply to power only an LED lamp for lighting purposes. Is such a lamp/switching power supply considered RF lighting under FCC Part 18?

ANSWER: The device you describe is a Part 15B device.

Lighting devices that use a switching power supply operating over 9000 cycles per second to convert 60 Hz AC to DC, or that contain digital logic (as defined in Section 15.3), are regulated under Part 15(这里应该是定义的工作在大于9KHz无意发产品). Verification would be the appropriate equipment authorization procedure. With RF, pulsing or non-rectified RF signals are applied within the device directly to non-gas lighting components (LED-incandescent), resulting in a Part 15 unintentional device.

Part 18 RF lighting devices use RF frequency to excite a gas to cause the light by applying RF inside the device, locally to electrodes or locally inductively coupled to resonant gas cavities. Part 18 requires that consumer equipment of this type is subject to either Declaration of Conformity or Certification, and industrial (non-consumer) equipment requires Verification.

On the other hand, if this were an RF lighting device under the rule FCC Part 18.203(a), the device would have to be authorized as consumer ISM equipment unless otherwise specified under either the Declaration of Conformity or Certification procedure prior to use or marketing.

Note that you as the manufacturer, and/or your test lab may choose which authorization procedure to use (DoC or Certification) for consumer RF lighting devices. Each route requires different labeling, but you the manufacturer may decide the route to compliance.

Note that if the device only requires Verification, the specific labeling requirements for this must be followed; the DoC or Certification requirements will not apply.

Radiated tests may be omitted when the operational frequencies of the RF lighting device are less than 1.705 MHz, based on the table in FCC Section 18.309. This is because RF lighting devices only require radiated measurements greater than 30 MHz, and the table in FCC Section 18.309 does not require measurements of radiated emissions if the frequencies are less than 1.705 MHz.

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emcxiaoxia | 2013-10-22 10:00:10 | 显示全部楼层
带驱动的LED灯具到底是属于fcc part15A还是part15B还是part18?驱动的开关管工作频率为15KHz的呢,是否和驱动工作频率有管。
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曾大侠 | 2013-12-29 20:08:48 | 显示全部楼层
emcxiaoxia 发表于 2013-10-22 10:00
带驱动的LED灯具到底是属于fcc part15A还是part15B还是part18?驱动的开关管工作频率为15KHz的呢,是否和驱 ...

无论是带驱动的LED灯具还是LED dirver出口美国依据标准都是按照FCC CFR PART 15B 做Verification of Conformity (VOC)进行认证的。另外,至少包括我身边的机构以及合作的同行都是如此。至少,你放心这样做肯定是有理有据的,详细如下分析:

首先,讲讲FCC相关的标准分类,参阅:https://www.emc.wiki/thread-473-1-1.html   https://www.emc.wiki/thread-2822-1-1.html

FCC Subpart A – General:FCC的概述,一般要求
TITLE 47 CFR PART 15B:这类适用于无意辐射电子产品或装置
TITLE 47 CFR PART 18:这个标准适应与工作在ISM频段的工业,科学,医疗设备

关于LED的灯具、包括LED dirver到底是按照CFR PART 15B还是CFR PART 18呢?因为,几年来LED 灯具的流行,关于做认证的事情也慢慢的多了起来,其中欧洲的话非常明确按灯具类产品做就好。主要是北美地区,他们有自己的一套,虽然FCC标准是免费的,但是很少人去真正的读标准了,因为国外的东西一般弄得少的话,很难找到可以溯源的资料,如标准。正如,LED driver与LED灯具网络上流传一大把关于FCC认证是按照CFR PART 15B还是CFR PART 18的帖子,基本上持两个观点,一个是做FCC part 15B,另外一个是做FCC part 18

这两天我就这个问题与公司的Bob讨论了差不多两天,最后的结论是,LED driver与LED灯具FCC肯定是要做CFR PART 15B而非CFR PART 18!!!

1、关于FCC CFR PART 18标准里面是规定了RF lighting(Radio frequency (RF) energy)产品、以及其它的一些航空、故障等灯具,是需要归类于PART 18。其中,RF lighting在标准内容里面没有明确定义的。标准定义的产品归类:
§18.107   Definitions.
(a)Definitions.(a) Radio frequency (RF) energy. Electromagnetic energy at any frequency in the radio spectrum from 9 kHz to 3 THz (3,000 GHz).

2、关于FCC CFR PART 15B标准里面规定了使用频率大于9KHz的无意发射数字技术转换设备等,是归类于FCC CFR PART 15B的。标准定义的产品归类:
§15.3   Definitions.
(k) An unintentional radiator (device or system) that generates and uses timing signals or pulses at a rate in excess of 9,000 pulses (cycles) per second and uses digital techniques; inclusive of telephone equipment that uses digital techniques or any device or system that generates and uses radio frequency energy for the purpose of performing data processing functions, such as electronic computations, operations, transformations, recording, filing, sorting, storage, retrieval, or transfer.

§15.101   Equipment authorization of unintentional radiators.

(a) Except as otherwise exempted in §§15.23, 15.103, and 15.113, unintentional radiators shall be authorized prior to the initiation of marketing, as follows:

Type of deviceEquipment authorization required
TV broadcast receiver
FM broadcast receiver
CB receiver
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.
Superregenerative receiver
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.
Scanning receiver
Radar detector
All other receivers subject to part 15
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.
TV interface device
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.
Cable system terminal device
Declaration of Conformity.
Stand-alone cable input selector switch
Class B personal computers and peripherals
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.1
CPU boards and internal power supplies used with Class B personal computers
Declaration of Conformity or Certification.1
Class B personal computers assembled using authorized CPU boards or power supplies
Declaration of Conformity.
Class B external switching power supplies
Other Class B digital devices & peripherals
Class A digital devices, peripherals & external switching power supplies
Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL)
All other devices

最后,就纠结那一句RF lighting具体是指什么,什么样的灯具是射频灯具?我在FCC的一个网站里面一个关于RF lighting的限值更新找到了答案。
即,RF lighting是:“RF lighting devices produce light by using radio frequencies to stimulate gases inside a lamp.”

总结:关于FCC CFR PART 18里面也明确的是指的是Radio frequency (RF) energy,这里是“energy”,不是单单指的频率,更重要的是透露通过RF无线频谱能量去激发、激活诸如气体、介质的一类灯具。我在FCC的官方网站也找到了一个关于这个Radio frequency (RF) lighting的条文“RF lighting devices produce light by using radio frequencies to stimulate gases inside a lamp.”,这样的灯具(另外,标准中规定的其它如航空、故障、等专用等除外)才属于FCC part 18的范围,如上面的一个网站连接。否则,还是按照普通的开关电源类别,FCC认证的话LED灯具按FCC CFR PART 15B来做。
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web | 2013-12-30 12:57:19 | 显示全部楼层

关于LED灯具铭牌是否要打FCC logo?

       如上面曾大侠所述,LED灯具是需要按照FCC CFR PART 15B 做Verification of Conformity (VOC)进行认证的,所以是不能打FCC logo的。除非做DOC!但是,LED灯具不归属DOC认证产品范畴,严格来说肯定是不能做DOC的。
       另外,鉴于市场上有太多的产品、厂家、认证机构、客户,其中都是良莠不齐,即有很多人乱来的,胡乱贴标识。甚至,是做做认证是一套产品,到时生产时又是另外一套产品。为什么呢?cost down嘛,节约成本,利益最大化了。在这里,我真的很想说国内的企业一定要认真对待国内的市场,认真对待国内的人民的真实感受。不要到了那一天,非进口不买的局面就不好了。特别是那些同样一套产品,国内一套方案、国外一套方案偷工减料的方法真的是不可取。同样的,那些厂家拿着1000~3000元做一套CE LVD&EMC三天出报告,甚至一天出报告的“优势”,是真的可信吗???这个真的要三思了。
       想当年国产山寨手机充斥市场,虽然爆发了一段美好的时光,但是给整个中国市场未来的国产品牌都带来了非常大的损失。如今一部好的进口手机例如Apple iphone5s、samsung noteⅢ & S4 要5k的时候,国内的那些厂家同样的配置、服务,甚至是高出进口手机的配置,但是也很难与国外产品抗衡。我想那些国外、甚至一些发烧友所标称的完美的体验真的会有那么大的溢价能力吗?我们平时用手机时,真的有那个要求吗?真的用到了吗?
       可能说的有些跑题了,但是还是说一句吧:“支持国货”。虽然,我并不完全赞同,但是身边总有人给我耳边唠叨,说要支持国货,有时想想也有些道理的。 {:soso_e100:}
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