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Wi-Fi联盟近期通知关于强制实施PMF(Protected Management Frames)认证的说明,从2014年7月1日起,PMF认证对于所有Wi-Fi认证的11ac产品将成为强制性要求;而对于Wi-Fi认证的11a、b、g和n的产品,PMF认证仍维持是选择性的认证项目。有关PMF的认证要求可在Wi-Fi联盟成员网站的PMF测试计划PMF_Test_Plan V1.0.2中找到。
同时,从2014年7月1日起,PMF认证将也是新推出Passpoint R2认证的必需认证项目。无论PMF认证对WPA2或11n认证是必要的还是选择性的,必须先通过PMF认证才可以申请Passpoint R2的认证。例如,不是11ac的产品要通过Passpoint R2的认证,必须得通过PMF认证。
What are Protected Management Frames?
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2 with Protected Management Frames provides a WPA2-level of protection for unicast and multicast management action frames. Unicast management actions frames are protected from both eavesdropping and forging, and multicast management action frames are protected from forging. WPA2 with Protected Management Frames augments WPA2 privacy protections already in place for data frames with mechanisms to improve the resiliency of mission-critical networks.
PMF certification will become mandatory for all Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ac devices from July 1, 2014 Wi-Fi Alliance recently announced an information on upcoming changes to Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2™ test requirements related to Protected Management Frames (PMF).
Changes to Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2 testing:
PMF certification will become mandatory for all Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ac devices on July 1, 2014. PMF certification will remain optional for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED a, b, g, and n devices. Requirements for PMF certification can be found in the PMF test plan on the members’ website at this link: PMF_Test_Plan v1.0.2
Other programs that utilize Robust Action Frames may also require PMF as a pre-requisite certification. Members should review the MRD or test plan of any program of interest for specific requirements.
For further details of above requirement, please visit Wi-Fi Alliance Website(http://www.wi-fi.org/) for detailed test plan. |