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2.948 Test Facility Registration Electronic Filing
User’s Manual
Title 47 CFR § 2.948 describes the test site registration requirements. The
description of the measurement facilities shall be filed at http://www.fcc.gov.
There is no fee for filing § 2.948 test site registrations. The steps in submitting
an electronic registration are summarized as follows:
1. If it is a new test site, obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) from
https://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/cores/CoresHome.html . After obtaining an
FRN or if the test firm already has an FRN, go to step 2.
2. Connect to http://www.fcc.gov and click the E-Filing tab near the top of
the page.
3. Scroll down and click on the link OET Equipment Authorization
Electronic Filing.
4. Under Filing Options on the left hand side, click on Register New Test
Firm and complete the application form.https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/test_firm/forms/LegacyTestFirmNameEntry.cfm

The information required in Section 2.948 must be submitted by dividing it into
exhibit types in order to organize the data and allow for faster review.
Exhibit Type: Cover Letter
Exhibit Type: Anti-Drug Abuse Certification
Exhibit Type: Radiated Site Description with Photos
Exhibit Type: Line Conducted Site Description with Photos
Exhibit Type: Dimensioned Drawings
Exhibit Type: Description of Support Structures
Exhibit Type: List of Measuring Equipment
Exhibit Type: Calibration Information
Exhibit Type: Site Attenuation Data
Exhibit Type: Types of Testing/Public Availability
In order for the submission to be completed and assigned for FCC review, there
must be at least one exhibit submitted to each exhibit type. The exhibit should
only contain information related to that exhibit type. If, for example, you are
submitting a radiated emissions test site, but not a line conducted emissions test
site, an explanation must be provided in the Line Conducted Exhibit Type
regarding the line conducted exhibit data not being applicable.
The following file formats are acceptable for exhibits:
• Adobe Acrobat
• Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Excel
• WordPerfect
• Lotus 123
• ASCII Text
• JPG/JPEG(JFIF standard only)
Each exhibit must be less than 4 MB. Multiple exhibits per exhibit type are
allowed but in order to reduce review time, it is recommended that filers submit
as few exhibits under each category as necessary to complete the application.
All files submitted, except PDF and JPG, are virus scanned and converted to
PDF before appearing on the Web.
Exhibit Type: Cover Letter
The cover letter must include the name of the test firm, its address, the name of
the contact person, that person’s e-mail address, and be signed by an official of
the firm. The contact person must be at the mailing address of the test firm.
Indicate the address/location of the actual test site facility. Be sure to include the
city, county, province, prefecture, etc. If the test firm has multiple sites which are
numbered, indicate the number of the site.
Exhibit Type: Anti-Drug Abuse Certification
Provide a statement certifying that neither the applicant nor any party to the
application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits, that include FCC benefits,
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862
because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the definition of a "party" for these purposes.
Exhibit Type: Radiated Site Description with Photos
The site must comply with the radiated test site requirements in ANSI-C63.4.
Indicate if the site is an open area test site or a semi-anechoic chamber.
GTEM’s are not acceptable.
ANSI-C63.7 is a guide which provides information that is useful in constructing
an open area test site (OATS) used to perform radiated emission measurements.
It is helpful in avoiding construction errors.
Describe in detail the construction of the radiated site. Be sure to describe:
1. Materials for weather protection enclosure of OATS.
2. Ground plane including: material, method of fastening/bonding sections
(intervals of electrical joints), flatness/smoothness, shape and size, and
3. Obstruction free area including size and shape.
Photographs should clearly show the details of the test site.
Exhibit Type: Line Conducted Site Description with Photographs
The site must comply with the line conducted test site requirements in ANSIC63.4.
If the site does not include a line conducted test site, a statement
indicating that the site does not include a line conducted test site should be
submitted in this exhibit type.
Describe in detail the construction of the line conducted test site. Be sure to
1. Metal floor and wall. — For open area test site, a wall is not required.
2. Two LISN’s grounded to floor and not located under the table.
3. 80 cm high non-conductive table with 1× 1.5 m top.
4. All metal surfaces. Metal surfaces other than the back wall must be at
least 80 cm from the table top.
Photographs should clearly show the details of the test site.
Exhibit Type: Dimensioned Drawings
Provide a drawing showing the dimensions of the site and the physical layout of
all supporting structures.
For an open area test site show:
1. Size of the ground plane.
2. Location of turntable and mast.
3. Obstruction free area.
4. All structures within five times the distance between the measuring
antenna and the device being measured.
For a semi-anechoic chamber site show:
1. Interior dimension. Height must be greater than 5 m.
2. Location of turntable and mast.
3. Diameter of turntable.
For a line-conducted test site show:
1. Dimensions of room if in screen room.
2. Dimensions of metal floor and vertical wall 40 cm behind EUT support
3. Location of LISN’s.
4. Distance of all metal surfaces.
5. Height and size of top of EUT support table.
Exhibit Type: Description of Support Structures
Provide a description of:
1. EUT support tables.
a. Materials
b. Dimensions
2. Turntable.
a. Commercial model number or detailed description if homemade
b. Diameter
c. Flushed or raised — It must have a metal top and be non-metal if
d. Remote controlled — a requirement.
3. Mast.
a. Commercial model number or detailed description if homemade
b. Materials
Exhibit Type: List of Measuring Equipment
Provide make and model numbers of:
1. Receiver and/or spectrum analyzer.
2. Antennas.
3. LISN’s.
Exhibit Type: Calibration Information
Provide the following:
1. Date of last calibration.
2. Calibration schedule.
3. Where calibrated.
Exhibit Type: Site Attenuation Data
Provide the following:
1. Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) per ANSI-C63.4.
2. Plot of NSA and ±4 dB limits.
3. Table showing the following:
a. Actual measurements
b. Antenna factors
c. Calculated values
d. Theoretical values or sample calculation
4. Volumetric NSA for alternative sites such as semi-anechoic chamber.
Exhibit Type: Types of Testing/Public Availability
Indicate the types of testing provided at the site. For example:
1. Line conducted emissions testing
2. 3 and/or 10 meter anechoic radiated emissions testing
3. 3 and/or 10 meter open area radiated emissions testing
Should the site be listed on the FCC Web site as providing testing services to the
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