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Measurement Distance
A fully compliant test site includes a ground plane that stretches between the equipment under test (EUT)’s position and the measuring antenna and beyond them, a means of rotating the EUT, and a mast that allows the antenna to be scanned in height from 1 to 4m as well as giving both horizontal and vertical polarization. The commercial standards allow three measurement distances, 3m, 10m and 30m, but the latter is very rarely used in practice and is not considered here.

Measurement distance in limit table in each main standard is summarized in below table.


Measurement distance
EN 55011: 2009+A1: 2010
150 kHz-30 MHz
30 MHz-1000 MHz
1 GHz-18 GHz
EN 55013: 2001+A1: 2003+A2: 2006
30 MHz-1000 MHz
EN 55014-1: 2006+A1: 2009
30 MHz-1000 MHz
- *1
EN 55015: 2006+A1: 2007+A2: 2009
30 MHz-300 MHz
EN 55022: 2006+A1: 2007
30 MHz-1000 MHz
- *2
1 GHz-6 GHz
EN 61000-6-3: 2007
30 MHz-1000 MHz
- *3
EN 61000-6-4: 2007
30 MHz-1000 MHz
EN 60601-1-2: 2007
Same as EN 55011
Same as EN 55014-1
Same as EN 55015
EN 61326-1: 2006
Same as EN 55011

*1 Note:
According to standard EN 55014-1: 2006+A1: 2009, this measurement may be made at closer distance, down to 3 m. An inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per decade shall be used to normalize the measured data to the specified distance for determining compliance.

*2 Note:
According to standard EN 55022: 2006+A1: 2007, if the field-strength measurement at 10 m cannot be made because of high ambient noise levels, or for other reasons, measurement of class B EUTs may be made at closer distance, for example 3 m. An inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per decade should be used to normalize the measured data to the specified distance for determining compliance.

*3 Note:
According to standard EN 61000-6-3: 2007, radiated disturbance may be measured at 3 m distance using the limits increased by 10 dB.

For standard EN 55015, frequency range for radiated disturbance is lower; for standard EN 61000-6-4, generally the equipment under test is larger, so the distance between antenna and the EUT is 10 m, not 3 m, in order to avoid near field effect.


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