加拿大IC ID无线认证 RF发证费用涨价 700美金(原价50美金) - SMSE-006-23

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SMSE-006-23 July 2023,加拿大官方于2023年7月4号通知,无线设备申请ISED费用变更,新收费标准将于2023年9月1日生效。

据加拿大创新、科学和经济发展部ISED (lnnovation,Science and Economic Development) 最新通知。ISED于2023年7月4日通知:加拿大ISED(原名IC ID) 无线设备列名费$50 Listing 从2023年9月1日将被设备注册费替代,费用分为全新申请注册费用为$750、变更申请注册费用为$375,简单来说,就是以2023年9月1日起,所申请ISED认证的官方费用上涨很大。
Equipment registration fees (new 3.3 in TRC-49)This $750 fee is associated with completing the approval process related to submissions for radio equipment certification and/or telecommunications equipment registration.

Equipment registration amendment fees (new 3.4 in TRC-49)This $375 fee is for the approval process for requests to amend existing radio equipment certifications and/or existing telecommunications equipment registrations.


ISED将实施咨询中提出的所有变更,引入新的收费,以及修订、重命名和废除现有收费的建议 ... ... ... ... . ...

ISED将实施咨询中提出的所有变更,引入新的收费,以及修订、重命名和废除现有收费的建议 ... ... ... ... . ...

6. Fee regime
20. The paragraphs below provide details about the decisions applicable to the modifications to telecommunications and radio equipment fees. Specifically, ISED proposed to introduce the following two new fees:
Equipment registration fees (new 3.3 in TRC-49)This $750 fee is associated with completing the approval process related to submissions for radio equipment certification and/or telecommunications equipment registration.Equipment registration amendment fees (new 3.4 in TRC-49)This $375 fee is for the approval process for requests to amend existing radio equipment certifications and/or existing telecommunications equipment registrations.

21. In addition to the new fees above, ISED proposed to amend the following two fees from the existing TRC-49:
Assessment fee (existing 3.1 from TRC-49)The assessment fee relates to the costs of completing the approval process involved in ISED directly certifying that radio equipment complies with the appropriate technical requirements, specifications or standards.ISED issues a technical acceptance certificate (TAC) for each model within the application, though this fee is to be applied once. ISED proposed to rename this fee the “Wireless equipment certification fee” and to increase the fee from $1,200 to $4,000.Technical expertise fee (existing 3.2 from TRC-49)The fee relates to the reassessment of radio equipment certifications performed directly at ISED.ISED proposed to rename this fee the “Wireless equipment recertification fee” and amend the fee from $150 per person, per hour (or part thereof) to $160 per person, per hour (or part thereof), (minimum application of two hours).

22. With the new equipment registration fee introduced above, ISED proposed to repeal the following two fees:
Listing fees (3.3 from TRC-49)The $50 listing fee is for the administration required in recording equipment in the Radio Equipment List (REL). This fee applies to each product model listed.Registration fees (3.4 from TRC-49)As part of the declaration of conformity (DoC) process, all telecommunications equipment must be registered with ISED and recorded in the Telecommunications Apparatus Register. The registration fee of $750 is for the development and maintenance cost of the telecommunications equipment program and the administration required in recording the equipment in the TAR.

加拿大IC ID官方源文 Decision on Telecommunications and Radio Equipment Service Fees of the Certification and Engineering Bureau
Canada ised SMSE-006-23.pdf (4.47 MB, 下载次数: 1)

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