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ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 EMC测试

2023-1-26 13:35| 发布者: 曾工| 查看: 1161| 评论: 0|原作者: 曾工|来自: 电磁兼容网

摘要: 更多关于ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 EMC测试技术要求,可以联系曾工:139 2899 3907 (微信同号) ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 EMC测试测试结果要求: 32.1.2 Each test shall begin with an operational DUT. 每个测试都应从 ...

更多关于ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 emc测试技术要求,可以联系曾工:139 2899 3907 (微信同号)

ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 EMC测试测试结果要求:
  • 32.1.2 Each test shall begin with an operational DUT. 每个测试都应从操作并能正常运行DUT开始。
  • 32.1.3 During the tests in this section, the DUT shall be operated in mode (s) that include the safety. DUT应在包括安全模块及功能在内的模式下运行。
  • function(s) being evaluated. If multiple modes are to be considered (example: equipment controlling the charging and discharging of the energy storage device), the DUT shall either be cycled through those modes during the tests, or the tests repeated in each mode. While cycling through modes, the DUT shall not exhibit any signs of loss of safety functions or risk of fire, electric shock, or personal injury. 要考虑多种模式(例如:控制储能设备充电和放电的设备),则DUT应在测试期间循环通过这些模式,或者在每种模式下重复测试。在循环模式时,DUT 不得出现任何安全功能丧失或火灾、触电或人身伤害危险的迹象。
  • 32.1.4 After each test in this section, the DUT shall be inspected to verify that it is still operational. This may require Operational Verification (32.8) of the DUT if it is not possible to determine that it is fully operational by inspection. If the DUT is no longer operational, a failure analysis shall be conducted to determine the reason for the failure and to verify that the DUT has failed safely. A DUT that is no longer operational shall not be used on any remaining test. 每次测试之后,应检查 DUT 以验证其是否仍在运行。如果无法通过检查确定 DUT 是否完全运行,则可能需要对 DUT 进行操作验证 (32.8)。如果 DUT 不再运行,应进行故障分析以确定故障原因并验证 DUT 是否安全失效。不再运行的 DUT 不得用于任何剩余的测试。
  • 32.1.5 In addition, after all tests in this section have been completed, all samples used during the tests specified in Section 32 shall comply with the Operational Verification in Section 32.8. 在完成本节中的所有测试后,在第 32 节中规定的测试期间使用的所有样品应符合第 32.8 节中的操作验证。
ANSI/CAN/UL 9540:2020 EMC详细测试项目:

32.2 Electrostatic discharge - 静电抗扰度测试
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-2
Test level:
  • ±6 kV contact discharge; and
  • ±8 kV air discharge.
Test requirement:
After the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.4

32.3 Radio-frequency electromagnetic field -  辐射抗扰度测试
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-3
Test level:
a) 10 V/m from 80 MHz to 1 GHz, 1 kHz (80 % AM); and
b) 3 V/m from 1.4 GHz to 6.0 GHz, 1 kHz (80 % AM).

Test requirement:
a) During the test, the DUT shall comply with 27.1.3
b) After the test, the DUT shall comply with 27.1.4

32.4 Fast transient/burst immunity -  高压脉冲群抗扰度测试
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-4
Test level:
a) On signal/control ports intended to be connected to cables longer than 3 m (118.1 in), ±1 kV
(5/50 ns, 5 kHz); capacitive clamp shall be used;
b) On input and output DC ports, ±1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz); and
c) On input and output AC ports, ±2 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz).

32.4.3 With reference to 32.4.2, the test levels shall be applied to all external accessible ports of the equipment in an ESS. External accessible AC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.4.2(c). External accessible DC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.4.2(b).
Test requirement:
After the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.4

32.5 Surge immunity   - 浪涌雷击抗扰度测试
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-5

Test level:
a) For I/O signal/control ports intended to be connected to long-distance cables longer than 30 m
(118.1 in), which leave the building, and/or are for outdoor use, ±1 kV line-to-ground;
b) For input and output DC ports, ±0.5 kV line-to-line, and ±1 kV line-to-ground; and
c) For input and output AC ports, ±1 kV line-to-line, and ±2 kV line-to-ground.

32.5.3 With reference to 32.5.2, the test levels shall be applied to all external accessible ports of the equipment in an ESS. External accessible AC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.5.2(c). External accessible DC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.5.2(b).

Test requirement:
After the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.4

32.6 Radio-frequency common mode  - 传导抗扰度测试  
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-6
Test level:
The following test levels shall be used.

a) For I/O signal/control ports intended to be connected to cables longer than 3 m (118 in), 10 V (150 kHz to 80 MHz, 1 kHz, 80 % AM);
b) For input and output DC ports, 10 V (150 kHz to 80 MHz, 1 kHz, 80 % AM); and
c) For input and output AC ports, 10 V (150 kHz to 80 MHz, 1 kHz, 80 % AM).

32.6.3 With reference to 32.6.2, the test levels shall be applied to all external accessible ports of the equipment in an ESS. External accessible AC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.6.2(c). External accessible DC ports shall be conducted using the test level specified in 32.6.2(b).

Test requirement:
During the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.3
After the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.4

32.7 Radio-frequency common mode  - 工频磁场抗扰度测试
Test procedure: IEC 61000-4-8
Test level:
10 A/m shall be used

Test requirement:
During the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.3
After the test, the DUT shall comply with 32.1.4

32.8 Operational verification 操作验证
32.8.1 After the tests in 32.2 – 32.7 have been completed, all samples used during these tests shall comply with the following. 完成32.2 – 32.7中的测试后,这些测试中使用的所有样品应符合以下要求。
32.8.2 The manufacturer shall declare the anticipated performance of all safety functions performed by electronics and software controls. 制造商应声明电子和软件控制执行的所有安全功能的预期性能。
32.8.3 The manufacturer shall provide test procedures to verify that each of the safety functions. performed by electronics and software controls is working correctly. This may include, for example, verification of correct safety function performance by simulation. 制造商应提供测试程序以验证每个安全功能。由电子设备和软件控制执行正常工作。例如,这可能包括通过仿真验证正确的安全功能性能。
32.8.4 During the test procedures specified in 32.8.3, each DUT shall exhibit one of the following behaviors: 在32.8.3中规定的测试过程中,每个DUT应表现出以下行为之一:
a) No loss of safety functions; or 不损失安全功能;或
b) Transition to an appropriate state to ensure safe operation of the DUT. 过渡到适当的状态,以确保 DUT 的安全运行。






