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ECE Regulation No 129 - 儿童安全座椅

2022-6-29 23:20| 发布者: 曾工| 查看: 4177| 评论: 0|原作者: 曾工|来自: 电磁兼容网

摘要: 当您选择新的汽车座椅时,它必须符合 ECE R129 或 R44 安全标准。如果不这样做,您将触犯法律,您可能会将您的孩子置于危险之中。ECE R44/04 是一套较旧的安全标准,正在被新一波的 ECE R129 (i-Size) 汽车座椅淘汰 ...
当您选择新的汽车座椅时,它必须符合 ECE R129 或 R44 安全标准。如果不这样做,您将触犯法律,您可能会将您的孩子置于危险之中。ECE R44/04 是一套较旧的安全标准,正在被新一波的 ECE R129 (i-Size) 汽车座椅淘汰。
Regulation ECE R129 (i-Size), is an evolving regulation. Above you will see the differences between it and the previous regulation ECE R44/04. ECE R129 (i-Size) was developed in order to improve child seat safety and below you will find the main aims of these regulations.
ECE R44/04
ECE R129 (i-Size)
Classification based on child’s weight (in kg)
Classification based on child’s height (in cm)
Categorised by groups (Group 0+, 1, 2, 3)
No groups
Child can be forward facing from 9 kg
Child must rear face to a minimum of 15 months
Can be used for seat belt or ISOFIX seats
Can only be used for ISOFIX
Rear and front impact testing
Rear, front and side impact testing
P dummy used in crash tests with 4 sensors
Q dummy used in crash tests with 32 sensors

什么是i- Size?
i- Size是2013年推出的欧洲汽车座椅安全标准。R129/ i -Size汽车座椅标准是最新的汽车座椅安全标准。  凡是通过 ECE R129 认证的座椅,一定要以座椅上的认证标签为准。联合国欧洲经济委员会,于 2013 年颁布了最新的儿童约束法规 ECE R129。

i- Size标签通常位于座椅塑料元件的下方或背面。

ECE R129是欧洲最新的儿童安全座椅标准

ECE Regulation No 129
ECE Regulation No 129.pdf

ECE R127r2e
ECE R127r2e.pdf







