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投影仪要做ERP吗? - ERP产品目录-待机-关机指令

2022-6-23 18:14| 发布者: 曾工| 查看: 3262| 评论: 4|原作者: 曾工|来自: 电磁兼容网

摘要: Official Journal of the European Union COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1275/2008of 17 December 2008implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toecodesig ...
Official Journal of the European Union

COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1275/2008of 17 December 2008implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toecodesign requirements for standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical andelectronic household and office equipment(Text with EEA relevanc

mplementing Directive 200532EC of the European Parliament and of the Council wit.pdf
  • EN 50564:2011 Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of low power consumption IEC 62301:2011 (Modified)

List of energy-using products covered by this Regulation 本法规包括的能效ERP产品目录清单
Household appliances 家用电器

Washing machines 洗衣机

Clothes dryers 干衣机

Dish washing machines 洗碗机

Cooking 烹饪

Electric ovens 电烤炉

Electric hot plates 电热板

Microwave ovens 微波炉

Toasters 烤面包机

Fryers 油炸锅

Grinders, coffee machines and equipment for opening or sealing containers or packages 用于打开或密封容器或包装的研磨机、咖啡机和设备

Electric knives 电动刀

Other appliances for cooking and other processing of food, cleaning, and maintenance of clothes 用于烹饪和其他食品加工、清洁和维护衣物的其他器具

Appliances for hair cutting, hair drying, tooth brushing, shaving, massage and other body care appliances 理发、吹发、刷牙、剃须、按摩等身体护理器具

Scales 电子天平秤

Information technology equipment intended primarily for use in the domestic environment 主要用于家庭环境的信息技术设备

Consumer equipment 消费类设备 消费类电子产品

Radio sets 无线收音机设备

Television sets 电视

Videocameras 摄像机

Video recorders 录像机

Hi-fi recorders 高保真录音机

Audio amplifiers 音频放大器 功放

Home theatre systems 家庭影院系统

Musical instruments 乐器 音乐设备

And other equipment for the purpose of recording or reproducing sound or images, including signals or other technologies for the distribution of sound and image other than by telecommunications 以及其他用于记录或再现声音或图像的设备,包括用于不是通过电信传播声音和图像的信号或其他技术。

Toys, leisure and sports equipment 玩具、休闲和运动设备

Electric trains or car racing sets 电动火车或赛车组

Hand-held video game consoles 手持式视频游戏机

Sports equipment with electric or electronic components 带有电气或电子部件的运动设备

Other toys, leisure and sport equipment 其他玩具、休闲和运动设备

综上所述,虽然没有明确提到是投影仪,我觉得可以用Information technology equipment intended primarily for use in the domestic environment、或者使用And other equipment for the purpose of recording or reproducing sound or images, including signals or other technologies for the distribution of sound and image other than by telecommunications,所以,这种情况,你做还是不做呢???

Ecodesign - Standby and off mode
更多请查阅 https://www.emc.wiki/thread-5362-1-1.html ,如果需要做ERP,可以联系曾工 139 2899 3907









引用  曾工    2022-6-23 18:18

ERP-待关机指令-uriserv_OJ.C_.2016.460.01.0001.01.ENG_EN_TXT.pdf (785.15 KB, 下载次数: 2)
引用  曾工    2022-6-23 18:20
BS EN 50564 2011.pdf (8.56 MB, 下载次数: 5)
引用  lyon980    2023-3-22 20:54
引用  橙猫猫    2023-7-5 09:45

