除非在通用标准、产品标准或产品类标准中有其他规定,静电放电只施加在正常使用时人员可接触到的受试设备上的点和面。以下是例外的情况(亦即,放电不施加在下述点):a) 在维修时才接触得到的点和表面。 这种情况下,特定的静电放电简化方法应在相关文件中注明。
b) 最终用户保养时接触到的点和表面。 这些极少接触到的点,如换电池时接触到的电池触点、录音电话中的磁带等。
c) 设备安装固定后或按使用说明使用后不再能接触到的点和面,例如底部和/或设备的靠墙面或安装端子后的地方。
d) 外壳为金属的同轴连接器和多芯连接器可接触到的点。 该情况下,仅对连接器的外壳施加接触放电。非导电(例如塑料)连接器内可接触到的点,应只进行空气放电试验。 试验使用静电放电发生器的圆形电极头。
试验应以单次放电的方式进行。 在预选点上,至少施加10次单次放电(最敏感的极性)。
4.2 Particular requirements
4.2.1 Electrostatic discharges (ESD)
The test procedure shall be in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2, with the following modifications and clarifications.
Electrostatic discharges shall be applied only to those points and surfaces of the EUT which are expected to be touched during usual operation, including user access, as specified in the user manual, for example cleaning or adding consumables when the EUT is powered.
The number of test points is EUT dependent. The requirements of 8.3.1 and A.5 of IEC 61000-4-2 shall be taken into consideration when selecting test points. The application of discharges to the contacts of open connectors is not required.
Guidance on the selection of actual test points is given in A.5 of IEC 61000-4-2. When selecting test points particular attention shall be given to keyboards, dialing pads, power switches, mice, drive slots, card slots, around communication ports, etc.
The discharges shall be applied in two ways:
a) Contact discharges to the conductive surfaces and to coupling planes:
The EUT shall be exposed to at least 200 discharges, 100 each at negative and positive polarity, at a minimum of four test points. For table-top equipment one of the test points shall be the centre front edge of the horizontal coupling plane, which shall be subjected to at least 50 indirect discharges (25 of each polarity). All other test points shall each receive at least 50 direct contact discharges (25 of each polarity). All areas normally touched by the user should be tested. If no direct contact test points are available, then at least 200 indirect discharges shall be applied in the indirect mode (see IEC 61000-4-2 for use of the Vertical Conducting Plane (VCP)).
For contact discharge, the requirement to apply ESD discharges at lower levels, as defined in Clause 5 of IEC 61000-4-2, is not applicable.
b) Air discharge at apertures and insulating surfaces:
On those parts of the EUT where it is not possible to perform contact discharge testing, the EUT should be investigated to identify the user accessible points where breakdown may occur; examples are openings at edges of keys, or the covers of keyboards and telephone handsets. Such points are tested using the air discharge method.