Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB)Welcome to the OET Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB). The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) publishes equipment authorization procedures and measurement guidance in the form of FCC Public Notices and Knowledge Database (KDB) publications. The staff guidance provided in the KDB is intended to assist the public in following Commission requirements and does not constitute rules. Accordingly, the guidance is not binding on the Commission and will not prevent the Commission from making a different decision in any matter that comes to its attention for resolution.The Basic KDB Search is a full text search and the Advanced KDB Search allows for input of multiple search criteria. The KDB Publication Number search is a quick search for a specific publication. We hope that your visit is both timely and useful.FCC KDB - Knowledge Database (KDB)
FCC 工程技术办公室 (OET) 以 FCC 公告和知识数据库 (KDB) 出版物的形式发布设备授权程序和测量指南。
Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB)
FCC KDB查询:**** Hidden Message *****
FCC 工作人员发布和对 KDB 查询的答复基于以下一项或多项标准:
1. FCC 工作人员对先前查询的答复。
2. 委员会规则和政策的工作人员指导。
3. 以前的工作人员实践。
KDB 有关测量程序的出版物仅构成工作人员指南,并不一定代表测量 RF 发射的唯一可接受方法。这些指南也不对委员会或任何利益相关方具有约束力。
如何查询法规呢 美国联邦法典 https://www.ecfr.gov/ 如何查询电磁兼容测试中的法规标准呢
少时诵诗书ssss 发表于 2022-4-15 13:15
Title 47 :: Telecommunication =》Subchapter A =》Part 15 Radio Frequency Devices =》
§ 15.207 Conducted limits.
§ 15.209 Radiated emission limits; general requirements.
https://www.emc.wiki/thread-4199-1-1.html Thank you so much 非常不错的文档值得分析 学习一下 11111111111111111 外网进不去怎么翻墙