曾工 发表于 2021-6-10 13:51:07

蒙古无线区域网路(WLAN) 设备技术要求

在国家层面上,蒙古的 CRC 是一个独立的机构,负责以下问题:

蒙古国 CRC 无线电频率监管和监测部不断发布和更新程序、法规、要求和建议,以支持频率管理活动。这些文件包括使用条件、申请和更新许可证的程序、许可、技术和操作要求、通道计划和所有其他相关信息。
蒙古通讯传播监督委员会(Communications Regulatory Commission- CRC) 日前发布无线区域网路(Wireless Local Area Networks- WLAN) 设备之技术要求,并于2020 年5 月21 日生效。摘要如下:
[*]有效等向射频功率(Effective Isotropic Radiated Power- EIRP) 输出限制值
[*]W52 – 50mW (室内使用); 200mW (室外使用)
[*]W53 – 50mW (室内使用); 200mW (室外使用)
[*]W56 – 250mW (室内使用); 1W (室外使用)
[*]W58 – 25mW (室内使用); 4W (室外使用)
[*]W53/56 需符合Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) 与Transmit Power Control (TPC)


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曾工 发表于 2021-6-10 13:52:40

Radio frequency regulation documents approved by CRC can be found on the following link.
NoNameDate of approvalResolution No.TypeDescription
11.5 GHz and 2 GHz Radio frequency band regulation and technical requirements18 March, 201110Technical requirementsNewly approved
2Regulatory document of short-distance radio communication equipment, operational parameter and frequency band10 May, 201233Direction of regulationAmendment made
3Regulatory direction of 470-690MHz frequency band, which is to be used for broadcasting of digital TV in Mongolia01 Mar, 201312Direction of regulationNewly approved
4Distribution of UHF 340-350MHz frequency band in Mongolia, technical requirements15 Mar, 201316Terms and requirementsRevoked the Resolution No. 18, “To distribute frequency band”, of CRC dated on 26 June, 2009 and newly approved.
5Distribution of UHF 400-430MHz frequency band in Mongolia, technical requirements15 Mar, 201317Terms and requirementsRevoked the Resolution No. 24, “To distribute frequency band”, of CRC dated on 14 April, 2011 and newly approved.
6Distribution of UHF 440-450MHz frequency band in Mongolia, technical requirements15 Mar, 201318Terms and requirementsRevoked the Resolution No. 13, “To distribute frequency band”, of CRC dated on 08 May, 2009 and newly approved.
7Technical and operational terms and requirements for communication radio stations to be used in territory of Mongolia01 May, 201325Terms and requirementsUpdated and approved
8Technical specifications and regulatory requirements of network to distribute multi-channels of digital TV to multiple points28 Jun, 201329Terms and requirementsRevoked the Resolution No. 28 of CRC dated on 07 May, 2010 and newly approved.
9Direction of regulation for 2700-2900MHz frequency band in Mongolia28 Jun, 201329Direction of regulationRevoked the Resolution No. 38 of CRC dated on 31 May, 2011 and newly approved.
10Terms and requirements of license to use radio frequency29 Jun, 201336Terms and requirementsUpdated and approved
11Regulation and technical terms and requirements of radio frequency band regulation (Frequency band 2.4GHz)30 Aug, 201344Terms and requirementsNewly approved
12Regulation and technical terms and requirements of radio frequency band regulation (Frequency band 5GHz)30 Aug, 201345Terms and requirementsNewly approved
13Special terms and requirements of license to provide internet service06 Sep, 201349Terms and requirementsUpdated and approved
14Procedure to issue radio frequency license through competitive selection06 Dec, 201361ProcedureUpdated and approved
16Regulation of very small aperture terminal (VSAT)25 Apr, 201412Direction of regulationUpdated and approved
17Quality Manual17 Jun, 201419 Updated and approved
18Radio frequency band regulation for digital radio relay17 Jun, 201420Regulation Newly approved
196-13 GHz radio frequency band regulation for radio relay4 Jul 201430Regulation Newly approved
20Regulation of mobile satellite service4 Jul 201431Regulation Newly approved
21Regulation for analogue to digital television broadcasting transition4 Jul 201432Regulation Newly approved
2215 GHz radio frequency band regulation for radio relay30 Sept, 201448Regulation Newly approved
2318 GHz, 22 GHz, 38 GHz radio frequency band regulation for radio relay8 Dec, 201454Regulation Newly approved
24Technical and operational requirements for Mobile trunking radio services UHF 342.0-344.5 / 347.0-349.5 MHz plan23 Mar, 201511Technical requirements
25Regulation of Transmitting and Receiving Antennas Registration on Wireless Communication23 Mar, 201512Regulation Newly approved
2631-33.4 GHz radio frequency band regulation for radio relay20 May, 201523Regulation Newly approved

International CooperationThe Radio Frequency Regulation incorporates and adapts the decisions of the World Radiocomm​unication Conferences (WRCs), including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommendations and ITU-R Recommendations for efficient, interference free use of radio frequency.
For international regulations, the Rules of Procedure are strictly followed from ITU-R published radio regulations and recommendations. They complement the Radio Regulations by providing clarification of the application of particular Regulations or establishing the necessary practical procedures that may not be included in the current national Regulatory Procedures. We adopt and interpret the regulations according to our needs and specifications.
Radio communications ITU - http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/Pages/default.aspx regulates following areas - Spectrum management, research materials and publishes;- International spectrum allocations, standards, recommendations;
- International coordination, notification and recording procedures for terrestrial systems and examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by Administrations (Membership) for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) and Plans; http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/terrestrial/brific/Pages/default.aspx
- Disaster management;- Meteorological activities and studies;- International coordination, notification and recording procedures for space systems and earth stations and examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by Administrations (Membership) for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR).
Manages procedures for space-related ITU assignment or allotment plans for launching of satellites. http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/go/space/en
[*]Terrestrial services - http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/terrestrial/Pages/default.aspx;
[*]Fixed service;
[*]Broadcasting service;
[*]Mobile service.

Radio frequency International Master Registry, Space servicehttp://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/space/Pages/brificMain.aspx
Guideline to the international master registry for Space service is located: http://crc.gov.mn/file/newfile/20150216%20-%20MIFR-d%20burtuuleh%20zuvlumj.pdf
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