曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 11:02:59




曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 11:03:29

EESS 注册常见问题


曾工 发表于 2021-5-20 14:29:56

In-scope Electrical Equipment
Q: How do I know whether my electrical equipment is In-Scope?
A: To determine whether your electrical equipment is In-scope, see the EESS website (www.eess.gov.au), see section “In-scope” which has recently been developed with improved information on this topic. You may also wish to consider engaging a specialist consultant or speak to a RECS.
Q: What are the requirements for electrical equipment which is not In-scope?
A: All electrical equipment being sold must be electrically safe. This generally means you need to demonstrate your equipment meets the relevant Australian Standard. For more detail on electrical equipment which is not In-scope, see section “In-scope” in the EESS website for more detail (www.eess.gov.au)

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