曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 09:22:39


澳大利亚标准AS / NZS 4417.1和AS / NZS 4417.2电气产品的logo标记,以表明其符合法规要求。logo标记的通用规则对RCM的使用提出了一般要求,包括标记在设备上的位置及其尺寸要求。


澳洲将电器产品风险程度分为三级:Level 1 低风险类;Level 2 中等风险类;Level 3是高风险的,共有61类产品。
[*]Level 1 认证要求:泛指直流供电产品(提供EMC报告直接申请RCM认证)。
[*]Level 2 认证要求:泛指交流供电产品(提供EMC报告+安规报告申请RCM认证)。
[*]Level 3 认证要求:清单中61类产品(提供EMC报告+安规报告+政府监管机构签发的合格证明或认可的外部认证计划(RECS)如SAA)申请RCM认证+EESS注册。

RCM认证管控电气产品主要分为非管制类和管制类产品,因为不是所有的产品打上RCM标记的都需要备案登记(EESS注册)。非管制类产品无需登记,目前只规定了Level 3电气产品需要登记,总共有包括了电源适配器、吸尘器等危险系数较高的61个大类。

只要是电器产品,电压范围在交流50V~1000V; 直流 120V~1500V之间,都必须符合澳洲电器安全法的要求;2013年3月1日起,Level 3产品要在澳洲国家数据库EESS注册备案,印制RCM标志,才可以在市场上销售。



ACMATechnical standards
[*]telecommunications standards
[*]radiocommunications standards
[*]electromagnetic compatibility standard
[*]human exposure standard
[*]parental lock standard

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曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:48:53

In-Scope Electrical Equipment

The EESS aims to increase consumer safety through regulating household electrical equipment. The term “in-scope” is defined in law and means electrical equipment that is:
[*]rated at a voltage greater than 50 V AC RMS or 120V ripple-free DC; and
[*]rated at a voltage less than 1000V AC RMS or 1500V ripple-free DC; and
[*]is designed or marketed as suitable for household, personal or similar use.
It is immaterial whether the equipment is designed or marketed for commercial or industrial purposes as well as for household use. If Regulatory Authorities (RAs) claim that an item is in-scope , it will be taken that way unless the Responsible Supplier can prove otherwise.
Risk Levels – DefinitionA feature of the EESS is the provision of a more proactive risk based approach to regulating electrical equipment. The EESS provides for in-scope electrical equipment to be classified into three levels:Risk Level 1 – electrical equipment that is classified low risk or unknown risk and is any in-scope electrical equipment not classified as Risk Level 3 or Risk Level 2.Risk Level 2 – electrical equipment that is classified as medium risk and is defined in the AS/NZS 4417.2.A list of the current Level 2 equipment can be found here.Risk Level 3 –electrical equipment that is classified as high risk and is defined in the AS/NZS 4417.2. A list of the current Level 3 equipment can be found here.
For more information on the safety requirements for In-Scope equipment click hereFor more information on registration of In-Scope equipment click hereThere are proportionate requirements for each risk level, depending upon the potential risk currently identified for the item. The EESS creates a process for Regulatory Authorities to add new equipment types to the list of in-scope equipment more quickly, move equipment types up and down risk levels as necessary, and applies a sliding scale of regulatory requirements depending on Risk Level classification.

曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:50:50

Not In-scope Electrical Equipment

The EESS is only intended to capture electrical equipment that is for household, personal and similar use.
Electrical equipment exclusively for commercial, industrial, medical, extra low voltage (operating below 50V AC RMS or 120V ripple-free DC) and high voltage (operating above 1000V AC RMS or 1500V ripple-free DC) is defined as not in-scope.Responsible Suppliers of electrical equipment that is not in-scope under the EESS definition, do not have to register, or register equipment in the EESS Registration Database.
Note: The supplier of electrical equipment that is not in-scope still has responsibility to ensure the equipment is electrically safe. This is achieved by meeting the essential safety criteria of AS/NZS 3820, essential safety requirements for electrical equipment which requires the supplier to hold evidence of compliance to the relevant standard.
Examples of equipment which is not in-scope could be a commercial bakery oven, cash register or mobile phone (please note that the mobile phone ‘charger’ is in-scope equipment Level 3 under – Power supply or charger).More information for Not In-Scope electrical equipment safety criteria please see here.
Note: Not in-scope electrical equipment may be required to comply with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). For more information on ACMA’s requirements contact ACMA at www.acma.gov.au

曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:51:17

曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:50
The EESS is only intended to capture electrical equipment that is for household, personal and simila ...


专门用于商业,工业,医疗,超低压(低于50V AC RMS或120V无波纹DC)和高电压(高于1000V AC RMS或1500V无波纹DC)的电气设备被定义为不在范围内。


注意:不在范围内的电气设备的供应商仍然有责任确保设备的电气安全。这可以通过满足AS / NZS 3820的基本安全标准,电气设备的基本安全要求来实现,该要求要求供应商持有符合相关标准的证据。




曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:51:58

曾工 发表于 2021-5-11 10:48
The EESS aims to increase consumer safety through regulating household electrical equipment. The ter ...



额定电压大于50 V AC RMS或120V无波纹DC; 和
额定电压低于1000V AC RMS或1500V无纹波DC; 和


风险等级1 –分类为低风险或未知风险的电气设备,以及未归类为风险等级3或风险等级2的任何范围内电气设备。

风险等级2 –在AS / NZS 4417.2中定义为中等风险的电气设备。可以在此处找到当前等级2设备的列表。

风险等级3 –属于AS / NZS 4417.2中定义为高风险的电气设备。可在此处找到当前3级设备的列表。

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