车载E-Mark法规ECE R10测试项目
车载E-Mark法规ECE R10测试项目1、瞬间传导干扰测试 - Emission of Conducted Disturbances
[*]ISO 7637-2 2004
2、模拟脉冲波形抗干扰测试 - Immunity to transient disturbances conducted along supplylines
[*]ISO 7637-2 2004
3、宽带发射测试 - Broadband Electromagnetic interference Generated by ESAs
[*]CISPR 25
4、窄带发射测试 - Narrowband electromagnetic interference generatedby ESAs
[*]CISPR 25
5、抗干扰测试 - Immunity of ESAs to Electromagnetic Radiation
[*]Absorber Chamber Test substitution method ISO 11452-2
[*]TEM(transverseelectromagneticmode) Cell Testing(see Appendix 2 tothis Annex) ISO 11452-3
[*]Bulk Current Injection Testing ISO 11452-4
[*]StriplineTesting ISO 11452-5