EN 50155铁道车辆的电子产品作过电压测试
BS EN 50155铁道车辆的电子产品作过电压测试1、open the interface
2、set the interface to RS232
3、set the configuration
4、set the configuration with power type
5、selected the IEC61000-4-29
6、setup the IEC61000-4-29 SPEC.
2冲 击 振 动试验EN50155
3浪 涌试验 42欧姆/0.5uF EN50155
4Radiated emissions to EN55011 / EN55022
5RF Common ModeEN61000-4-6 10V
6RF Magnetic field EN61000-4-3 20V / m
7Power Frequency EN61000-4-8 100A/m (EN50121-4:2006)
更多认证咨询请联系曾工,139-7 3 6 6-8 3 1 1.