web 发表于 2012-1-19 01:16:30


一般工业界将组件的ESD测试分类为人体放电模型(Human Body Model, HBM),机器放电模型(Machine Model, MM)及元件充电器件模(Charged Device Model, CDM),而元件充电器件模又可分为socketed和non-socketed两种测试方法。

人体放电模型是仿真人体因走动或其它因素而在人体上累积静电后,再去碰触到IC,人体上的静电便会经由碰触的脚位而进入IC内,若IC有一端接地而形成放电路径时,便会经由接地脚位放电。此放电的过程会在短短数百毫微秒(ns)的时间内产生数安培的瞬间放电电流,进而将IC内的电路烧毁。对一般组件可耐受的HBM 2 kV来说,在2~10 ns的时间内,瞬间电流峰值可达1.33 A。


元件充电器件模型是指IC先因磨擦或感应等因素而在IC内部累积了静电,但在静电慢慢累积的过程中IC并未被损伤。此带有静电的IC在处理过程中,当其任一接脚碰触到接地导体时,IC内部的静电便会经由接脚流出而造成放电现象。此种模型的放电时间更短,仅约几个毫微秒。且因为IC内部累积的静电会因对地的等效电容值而变,而等效电容值又和IC摆放的角度与位置以及IC所用的包装型式有关,所以放电现象更难真实模拟。关于此放电模型的工业用测试机台有分为转接座式(socketed)与非转接座式(non-socketed)两种。目前socketed CDM测试方法尚无正式之国际标准规范文件,而non-socketed CDM主要的国际工业标准规范有ESD STM5.3.1-1999及EIA/JESD22-C101-A: 2000两种。
根据ESD STM5.3.1-1999的规定,CDM测试的充电方式可分为以下两种:

[*]直接充电(Direct-charging method):
将待测物平放于接地面板上,直接经由连接至芯片基体(Substrate)的接脚充电或同时对所有接脚充电。为了避免组件在充电时遭到破坏,充电时系统设备的阻抗至少需为100 MW,且充电前须先确定整个测试设备与组件本身都处于接地电位。

[*]感应生电(Field-induced method):
将待测物以接脚朝上的型态倒置于表面覆盖有介电层的充电面板上,借由对面板充电使组件因电场感应而提升本身电压位准。为使模拟出的放电波形符合国际标准规定,充电面板之面积至少必须比待测组件大七倍以上。而充电面板表面须覆盖一介电层(Dielectric Layer)以减少组件与面板间之电容,且其最大厚度为130 mm。


[*]接触式放电(Contact-mode discharge):

[*]非接触式放电(Non-contact mode discharge):
当探针尖端靠近已充电组件之接脚到一定距离时,静电放电事件(ESD event)随之发生。

曾大侠 发表于 2020-2-11 16:43:02

1)Human Body Model, HBM
Simulates ESD from human contact.
A person accumulates static electricity from walking or moving and discharges the static through the IC. The leads become the conductive path to a grounded surface due to contact.

HBM (Human Body Model) test circuit simulates ESD from human contact and consists of 100pF and 1.5KΩ to simulate the equivalent capacitance and resistance of a human body.

Human Body Model (HBM) ESD testing is a requirement in compliance standards IEC 612340-3-1, JEDEC 11-A114, MIL-STD-750D and many more. RC modules with 150pF capacitance and 1500 Ohm resistance values are typically used with 30kV model ESD simulators and their easily interchangeable discharge network design. The new Haefely ONYX 30 and 3ctest EDS 20T are 16kV models with easily changeable RC modules, saving users money on the overall HBM and MM configuration

2) Machine Model, MM
This simulates the discharge of static electricity accumulated from machines and equipment (i.e. moving mechanical arms, test probes, etc.).

The test circuit consists of charging a 200pF capacitor to a predetermined high voltage from an external source, and then suddenly discharging the DUT through an electrical terminal.

3) Charged Device Model, CDM
The CDM test simulates how the device acts when the device itself has an electrostatic charge and the effects of the discharge when it comes in contact with a metallic surface. This type of discharge is the most common type of ESD in electronic devices and is the main cause of ESD damage during the manufacturing process.

CDM discharge depends mainly on parasitic parameters of the discharge and is strongly dependent on the size and type of component package.

Standard (150pF/330Ohm)The discharge network supplied with every standard ESD gun package is the 150pF, 330 Ohm resistance/capacitance module used to meet IEC 61000-4-2, RTCA/DO-160, MIL-STD-461G CS118, ITU-T K20, ISO 10605, IEC 60601 and others. If you are obtaining the CE Mark or other general product compliance certification, this is the network used.IEC 61000-4-2 标中定义的 150pF/300 欧姆网络打算模拟什么?               
150pF/330 欧姆的常数用于模拟典型的人类放电事件。该标准指定150pF为典型的人体电容,330欧姆也指定为典型的人体放电阻力。
Automotive (150pf/2000Ohm & 330pf/2000ohm & 150pf / 330ohm & 330pf & 330ohm)Automotive test standards ISO 10605 and SAE J113/13 are a 4 network combination of resistance (330/2K Ohm) and capacitance (150/330 pF) values. All major automotive manufacturers have specified electromagnetic compliance standards such as the Ford FMC1278, GMW 3100, and many more that reference one of the international standards.

Automotive Package includes:
[*]INA 4381: 150 pF /2000 Ohms
[*]INA 4382: 330pF / 2000 Ohms
[*]INA 4553: 330 pF / 330 Ohms
[*]150pF/330Ohm Standard Network Supplied with Every ESD Gun

david 发表于 2020-2-11 19:12:33

Table 1. ESD Test Standards
Test MethodStandard ReferenceEssential Test Conditions
JapanUnited StatesEurope
HBM: Human Body ModelJEITA ED4701 300-2JESD22- A114F
ESDA STM 5.1AEC-Q100-002IEC 61340 3-1
[*]Discharge capacity = 100pF, discharge resistance = 1.5kΩ
[*]Number of applied pulses: bipolar 1 each
[*]Sample count: 3 x test voltage x applicable combinations

MM: Machine ModelEIAJ ED4701-1 (1994)JESD22-A115A
ESDA STM 5.2AEC-Q100-003IEC 61340 3-2
[*]Discharge capacity = 200pF, discharge resistance = 0Ω
[*]Number of applied pulses: bipolar 1 each or 3 times
[*]Sample count: 3 x test voltage x applicable combinations

Charged Device ModelDirect CDMJEITA ED4701 300-2ESDA STM 5.3.1AEC-Q100-011IEC 61340 3-3
[*]Device-dependent discharge capacity and resistance
[*]Number of applied pulses: bipolar 1 each or 3 times
[*]Test environment temperature: room temperature
[*]Sample count: 3 x test voltage

Field Induced CDMEIAJ ED4701-1 (1994)JESD22-C101D
ESDA STM 5.3.1AEC-Q100-011IEC 61340 3-3

web 发表于 2020-2-11 19:40:49

HBM:Human Body ModelED4701/302(2013)試験方法304ANSI-ESDA-JEDEC-JS-001(2014)AEC-Q100-002-REV-E(2013)放電容量=100pF、放電抵抗=1.5kΩ
MM:Machine ModelED4701/302(2013)試験方法304では削除JESD22-A115C(2010)JEP172(2014)により失効AEC-Q100-002-REV-E(2013)Rev-H(2014)により失効放電容量=200pF、放電抵抗=0Ω
Charged Device Model誘電体電法
Field Induced CDMED4701/302(2013)試験方法305ANSI-ESDA-JEDEC-JS-002(2014)AEC-Q100-011Rev-C1(2013)放電容量、放電抵抗;デバイス個別
Direct CDM-
HBM:human body model:人体帯電モデル:人体に蓄積された静電気の放電(ESD)によってデバイスが損傷する現象
MM:machine model:マシンモデル:金属等に蓄積された静電気の放電(ESD)によってデバイスが損傷する現象
CDM:charged device model:デバイス帯電モデル:デバイスが直接、間接に帯電し、電位の異なった導体と端子が接触したときに発生する静電気放電(ESD)にてデバイスが損傷する現象
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